Thursday, July 12, 2007

a blogger's block

I am bristling with anger - with whom you want to know? With all those who inspired me in the blogosphere to create a blog. To start with, my favourite bloggers are Steven Novella at , Myers at Orac at, shalini at scientia, hemant at, rebecca at Everytime I set to blog, I first think of checking on the above and also the blogs infophilia, uncredible hallq, dwindling in unbelief, badastronomer, badscience, photoninthedarkness, unintelligent design, skeptico, breathspakids, parenting beyond belief blog and on and on. And don't forget I get so much food for thought that i forget my mission and start mulling over the information i receive.
There lies my problem. I resolve not to go to these blogs before i post the thoughts in my mind but more like an addict i go to these blogs. What do you say? I have now resolved not to try blogging but content myself with browsing.
So this could be my first as well as my last post.
All the random thoughts jumping in my head and all those grand ideas of writing about skepticism in India, ranting about the pseudoscience and trickery victimising gullible people over here have to wait for some other time to be recorded.
Meanwhile get lost all you skeptic bloggers for making me create a blog but not allowing me to post my articles. I have decided to gloriously browse all your blogs and content myself with posting comments. I hate you all. And love you too ;)